Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Generate BarCode in Python

You can Generate Barcode (image, Pdf Etc...) in Python
Example is for JPG file
from import createBarcodeDrawing, \
def get_image(self, value, width, hight, hr, code='QR'):
""" genrating image for barcode """
options = {}

if width:options['width'] = width
if hight:options['hight'] = hight
if hr:options['humanReadable'] = hr
ret_val = createBarcodeDrawing(code, value=value,
except Exception, e:
raise osv.except_osv('Error', e)
return ret_val.asString('jpg')

To get Supported barcode in your system

$ print getCodes()

reference : report lab

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, this is a very difficult topic about barcode generate, very suitable for developers to learn.
